Sunday, August 4, 2019

Voter ID – Blacks Are Suppressing Their Own Voting Strength

Perhaps because the Federal government has spread its tentacles into almost every aspect of life in America, most people fail to realize that the action (or inaction) of their local government has a much greater impact on their daily life than does the government in Washington.  The ongoing fight against Voter ID, particularly by black spokespersons is a case in point, exemplified by this March 2019 conversation between Candace Owens and Hawk Newsome of Black Lives Matter.

While it is true that one needs an ID to do just about everything today, Candace is making the wrong argument and Newsome is focusing on things that supposedly happened 50 years ago.  Instead, the black community should be thinking about the effect that illegal immigration is having on the black vote today.

While not necessarily a correct view, ethnic groups tend to believe that only someone of their tribe can properly represent them.  This has led to extreme gerrymandering of districts to ensure that only someone of a particular race or ethnic group will be elected.  At the local level, this is becoming more and more problematic for the black community because of illegal immigration.

Take the case of New York City, where the Hispanic population is 27.5% compared to blacks, who make up 25.1%.  These are just the “official” population figures.  When one factors in the illegals who are not counted, most of whom have come from Latin countries, blacks are seriously outnumbered.  This is becoming the case in many major cities which do a thriving business in producing fake Social Security cards so illegals can be hired.  In the absence of Voter ID, those illegals are allowed to just walk in and vote.  For every black vote cast, there are as many as 3 other votes that cancel them.

For Federal elections, this favors the Democrats and is why they favor open borders.  By offering "free stuff" to illegals, they are building a constituency that they believe will permanently vote Democratic.  At the local level, however, this pits ethnic groups against each other WITHIN the Democratic party.  Federal and State money that goes to cities is normally in the form of Block Grants.  The City Council then decides where that money will be spent.

Because humans are tribal by nature, they tend to settle in neighborhoods with others who share their tribal identity.  During the Jim Crow era in the South, the Democrats enshrined this into law.  Although the North did not segregate the races by law, there was de facto segregation that can still be seen to this day.  The races tended, and still tend, to settle in their own neighborhoods.

City Council districts are not drawn along neighborhood lines, but contain various neighborhoods.  Those of Hispanic descent do not necessarily share the same values and culture as those of African descent.  As the illegal immigrant population grows, black voting strength is further diluted in those cities.  Consequently, the money is going to flow to those areas represented by the majority of votes on the City Council. 

Candace Owens would do well to point out to the race baiters that, instead of harping on wrongs committed in the past, both real and imagined, blacks should be aware that they are rapidly losing whatever voting strength they may have once had.  They should not oppose Voter ID as a "Republican plot" against them.  By doing so, they are harming themselves.